import string import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from enum import Enum import re import shutil from dateconverter import * from datetime import datetime import os import sqlite3 import webbrowser from time import sleep DEBUG = True number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] homePath = os.path.expanduser('~') cookiePath = homePath + "/.mozilla/firefox/imibizoh.default/cookies.sqlite" tmpPath = "/tmp/cookies.sqlite" DBFILE = "../db/sqlite3.db" winFirefoxPath = f"""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe""" def log(*s): if DEBUG: print(s) class mode(): #def set(self,flag,value): # self.flag = flag # self.value = value #def __init__(self,): DEFAULT = 0 LINK = 0 LOCATION_CLEANUP = 0 SWAPDATE = 0 CLEANDATE = 0 ATTRS = 0 months = [ ('January','01'), ('February','02'), ('March','03'), ('April','04'), ('May','05'), ('June','06'), ('July','07'), ('August','08'), ('September','09'), ('October','10'), ('November','11'), ('December','12')] class item(): def __init__(self,tag,tag_content,index,name=None): self.tag = tag self.tag_content = tag_content self.index = index if name is not None: = name else: = "not defined" class job(): def __init__(self,title,profession,company,location,date,description,link,tag,starred): self.title = title self.profession = profession = company self.location = location = date self.description = description = link self.tag = tag self.starred = starred def __str__(self): return "%s| %s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (self.title,self.profession,,self.location,,self.description, def finder(results,item,**modes): GETCHILDREN = modes.get("GETCHILDREN",'') ATTRS = modes.get('ATTRS',0) LOCATION_CLEANUP = modes.get('LOCATION_CLEANUP',0) LINK = modes.get('LINK',0) SWAPDATE = modes.get('SWAPDATE',0) CLEANDATE = modes.get('CLEANDATE',0) BASEURL = modes.get('BASEURL','') INDEEDDATE = modes.get('INDEEDDATE',0) content = [] i = item.index log("name", log("Item tag: ",item.tag) log("Modes:",modes) log("tag_content: ",item.tag_content) for entry in results: if ATTRS==1: result = entry.findAll(item.tag,attrs=item.tag_content) log(item.tag_content) else: result = entry.findAll(item.tag,class_=item.tag_content) log("found count results:",len(result)) if len(result)==0 and DEBUG == True: log("len result: ",len(result)) for x in result: log("No entry found for: ",,item.tag,item.tag_content," -->", x) input() if result: log("theres a result") if i>(len(result)-1): log("len:",len(result)-1,"i:",i) log("index out of bounds fall back to the %d count",i) i=(len(result)-1) result2 = result[i] if GETCHILDREN != '': found = False for results in result: child = results.find(GETCHILDREN) log("[finder] search for '",GETCHILDREN,"' in: ",child) if child != None and found == False: log("CHILD text strip: ",child.text.strip()) found = True content.append(child.text.strip()) if found == False: log("[finder] No matching Child found: ",child) content.append("CHILD_NOT_FOUND: " + GETCHILDREN) elif LOCATION_CLEANUP==1: location = CleanLocation(result2.text.strip()) content.append(location) elif LINK==1: string = result2.get("href") if BASEURL: string = BASEURL+string content.append(string) elif SWAPDATE==1: content.append(DateCHToUS(result2.text.strip())) elif CLEANDATE==1: log("[finder] pre cleandate:",result2.text.strip) content.append(jobs_ch_clean_date(result2.text.strip())) elif INDEEDDATE==1: log("[finder] pre indeeddate:",result2.text.strip) content.append(indeedExtractDays(result2.text.strip())) else: log(result2) content.append(result2.text.strip()) if not result: if item.tag_content == "pubdate": today ='%Y-%m-%d') content.append(today) else: content.append("NOTFound") return content def CleanLocation(location): #p = re.compile('CH-[0-9]{4}') location = re.sub('CH-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}| ','',location) return location def arrayToClass(titles,companys,locations,dates,links,tag): jobs = [] if(len(titles) == len(companys) == len(locations) == len(dates)): log("len:",len(titles)) for i, title in enumerate(titles): jobs.append(job(title,"test_prof",companys[i],locations[i],dates[i],"test_desc",links[i],tag,0)) log("class job:",jobs[i]) return jobs else: log("Something went wrong unequal length of data arrays: ",len(titles),len(companys),len(locations),len(dates)) return 0 def jobs_ch_clean_date(date): newdate='' for i in range(11,len(date)):#remove string "Published:" newdate+=date[i] newdate2 = jobs_ch_switch_month(newdate) return newdate2 def jobs_ch_switch_month(date): newdate='' newmonth='' day = '' year = '' for i in range(3,len(date)-5): newmonth += date[i] for month in months: if(month[0] == newmonth): newmonth = month[1] for i in range(0,2): day+=date[i] for i in range(len(date)-2,len(date)): year += date[i] newdate = '20'+year+'-'+newmonth+'-'+day return newdate def CleanLocation(location): #p = re.compile('CH-[0-9]{4}') location = re.sub('CH-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}| ','',location) return location def extractDomain(url): pattern = r'https:\/\/.*\..+?(?=\/)' domain = re.match(pattern,url) if domain: return else: return 0 def makeSession(url): with requests.Session() as session: page = session.get(url) return session def indeedExtractDays(datestr): cleannumstr='' cleannumint=-1 cleandate='' foundchar=False for a in datestr: print(a) if a in number and foundchar==False: foundchar=True cleannumstr+=a elif a in number and foundchar == True: cleannumstr+=a elif a not in number and foundchar == True: break if cleannumstr != '': cleannumint = int(cleannumstr) today = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()) cleandate = today - cleannumint * 60 * 60 * 7 * 4 #print("int:",cleannumint,"today:",today,"cleandate:",datetime.fromtimestamp(cleandate).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return datetime.fromtimestamp(cleandate).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') return "NOTFound" def getCookiesFromBrowser(url): #workaround for loked database tries=0 cookie = '' rows = [0] while(cookie == '' and tries < 2): tries+=1; shutil.copyfile(cookiePath,tmpPath) with sqlite3.connect(tmpPath) as connection: cmd_read_cookies = f"""SELECT name,value FROM moz_cookies WHERE host like ?;""" print(cmd_read_cookies) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(cmd_read_cookies,(urlToDomain(url),)) while len(rows)!=0: rows = cursor.fetchmany(25) for row in rows: print("row:",row) cookie = cookie + row[0] + '=' + row[1] cookie += ";" print("Cookies:",cookie) if cookie == '': if == 'posix': webbrowser.register("firefox",None,webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser("firefox")) webbrowser.get('firefox').open(url) elif == 'nt': webbrowser.register("firefox",None,webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser(winFirefoxPath)) webbrowser.get('firefox').open(url) sleep(1) return cookie #access cookies from firefox: #copy (because locked): cp .mozilla/firefox/imibizoh.default/cookies.sqlite cookies.sqlite #Select value from moz_cookies where host like '%indeed%' def urlToDomain(url): pos = patternSearch(url,"https://") urlCut = dropBeforePos(url,pos) posDot = skipAfterChar(urlCut,'.') - 1 urlCut = dropBeforePos(urlCut,posDot) posDot = skipAfterChar(urlCut,'/') urlCut = dropAfterPos(urlCut,posDot) print("url after cut dot:",urlCut) return urlCut def patternSearch(url,pattern): x = 0 for a,i in enumerate(url): print("i:",i) if i == pattern[x]: if x