jonathan santis ece4540426 implement polygon
a bug in the fill algorythm where it fills every
2024-11-01 13:21:20 +01:00

220 lines
6.7 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const term = @import("term.zig");
const Winsize = term.Winsize;
pub const Direction = struct {
x: i8 = 1,
y: i8 = 1,
z: i8 = 1,
pub const Point = struct {
x: i32 = 0,
y: i32 = 0,
z: i32 = 0,
direction: Direction = .{ .x = 1, .y = 1, .z = 1 }, //for movement state
pub const Vec3 = struct {
a: Point = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0, .direction = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 } },
b: Point = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0, .direction = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 } },
c: Point = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0, .direction = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 } },
pub const Triangle = struct {
bufa: *i32,
bufb: *i32,
bufc: *i32,
pub fn LinkedList() type {
return struct {
const Self = @This(); //means this struc,ref to the most inner scope
const Node = struct { point: Point, next: ?*Node };
head: ?*Node,
length: u32,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
current: ?*Node,
pub fn new(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.head = null,
.current = null,
.length = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
pub fn add(self: *Self, point: Point) !void {
var allocator = self.allocator;
var newNode = allocator.create(Node) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("error allocation, {}", .{err});
return err;
newNode.point = point;
newNode.next = self.head;
self.head = newNode;
self.length += 1;
pub fn next(self: *Self) Point {
var elem: ?*Node = undefined;
if (self.current == null) {
elem = self.head;
self.current = self.head.?.next;
} else {
elem = self.current;
self.current = self.current.?.next;
return elem.?.point;
pub fn dump(self: *Self) ![]Point {
const allocator = self.allocator;
var node = self.head;
var point: []Point = &.{}; //empty slice
var i: usize = 0;
while (node != null) : (i += 1) {
point = allocator.realloc(point, i + 1) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("error allocation for slice:{}\n", .{err});
return err;
point[i] = node.?.point;
node = node.?.next;
return point;
test "test linked list" {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
const allocator = arena.allocator();
defer arena.deinit();
var polygon = LinkedList().new(allocator);
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 10, .y = 11, .z = 0 });
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 11, .y = 12, .z = 0 });
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 12, .y = 13, .z = 0 });
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 12, .y = 14, .z = 0 });
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 12, .y = 15, .z = 0 });
try polygon.add(.{ .x = 12, .y = 16, .z = 0 });
const points: []Point = try polygon.dump();
for (points) |point| {
std.debug.print("Point dump:{}\n", .{point});
std.debug.print("next:{}\n", .{polygon.next()});
std.debug.print("next:{}\n", .{polygon.next()});
std.debug.print("typeof:{}\n", .{@TypeOf(polygon)});
pub fn polygon_draw(buf: []u8, w: Winsize, poly: *LinkedList()) !void {
var i: u8 = 0;
var previous: Point = poly.next();
var current: Point = undefined;
while (i < poly.length) : (i += 1) {
current = poly.next();
try bresenham(buf, w, previous, current);
previous = current;
pub fn pixel(buffer: []u8, w: Winsize, x: i64, y: i64, symbol: u21) !void {
const i: usize = @intCast(4 * (x + y * w.ws_col));
if (i < buffer.len) { //-1 ??
const slice = buffer[i .. i + 4];
_ = try std.unicode.utf8Encode(symbol, slice);
//TODO: check length, set not used bytes to zero
} else {
//print("Error illegal memory access\n", .{});
pub fn bresenham(buf: []u8, w: Winsize, p1: Point, p2: Point) !void {
var x: i32 = p1.x;
var y: i32 = p1.y;
const dx = (p2.x - p1.x);
const dy = (p2.y - p1.y);
var er: i64 = 0;
if (dx >= dy and dy > 0 and dx > 0) {
while (x <= p2.x) : (x += 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += dy;
if (2 * er >= dx) {
y += 1;
er -= dx;
} else if (dx <= dy and dy >= 0 and dx >= 0) {
while (y <= p2.y) : (y += 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += dx;
if (2 * er >= dy) {
x += 1;
er -= dy;
} else if (@abs(dy) <= dx and dy <= 0 and dx >= 0) {
while (x <= p2.x) : (x += 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er -= dy;
if (2 * er >= dx) {
y -= 1;
er -= dx;
} else if (@abs(dy) >= dx and dy <= 0 and dx >= 0) {
while (y >= p2.y) : (y -= 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += dx;
if (2 * er >= dy) {
x += 1;
er += dy;
} else if (@abs(dx) <= dy and dx <= 0 and dy >= 0) {
while (y <= p2.y) : (y += 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += @abs(dx);
if (2 * er >= dy) {
x -= 1;
er -= dy;
} else if (@abs(dx) >= dy and dy >= 0 and dx <= 0) {
while (x >= p2.x) : (x -= 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += dy;
if (2 * er >= @abs(dx)) {
y += 1;
er -= @abs(dx);
} else if (dx <= dy and dx <= 0 and dy <= 0) {
while (x >= p2.x) : (x -= 1) {
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += @abs(dy);
if (2 * er >= @abs(dx)) {
y -= 1;
er -= @abs(dx);
} else if (dx >= dy and dy <= 0 and dx <= 0) {
while (y >= p2.y) : (y -= 1) {
//print("x:{},y:{},er:{},dx:{},dy:{}\n", .{ x, y, er, dx, dy });
_ = try pixel(buf, w, x, y, '█');
er += @abs(dx);
if (2 * er >= @abs(dx)) {
x -= 1;
er -= @abs(dy);
pub fn triangle(buffer: []u8, w: Winsize, vector: Vec3) !void {
try bresenham(buffer, w, vector.a, vector.b);
try bresenham(buffer, w, vector.b, vector.c);
try bresenham(buffer, w, vector.c, vector.a);