const std = @import("std"); const rl = @import("raylib"); const rg = @import("raygui"); const pr = @import("primitives.zig"); const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(124346556); const rand = prng.random(); fn randMinMaxFloat(min:f32,max:f32) f32 { var r1 = rand.float(f32); r1 = 2*(r1 - 0.5);//-0.5..0.5 return (@abs(min)+@abs(max))/2 * r1; } test "random" { var seed:u64 = undefined; var r1 :f32 = undefined; try std.posix.getrandom(std.mem.asBytes(&seed)); prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed); while(true) { r1 = randMinMaxFloat(-10,10); //std.debug.print("randMinMaxFloat:{}\n",.{r1}); if (r1 > 8 or r1 < -8 ) { std.debug.print("Greater:{}\n",.{r1}); } } } const screenWidth = 800; const screenHeight = 450; const Particle = struct { const Self = @This(); position : pr.Vec = .{.a = .{.x=0,.y=0,.z=0}}, velocity : pr.Vec = .{.a = .{.x=0,.y=0,.z=0}}, acceleration : pr.Vec = .{.a = .{.x=0,.y=0,.z=0}}, lifespan : u8 = 0, show : u8 = 0, pub fn new(self:Self) void { _ = self; } pub fn update(self:*Self) void { self.velocity.add(self.acceleration); self.position.add(self.velocity); if (self.position.a.y > screenHeight) { self.velocity.a.y *= -0.9; // self.acceleration.a.y *= -0.5; } if (self.lifespan > 0) { self.lifespan -= 1; } else { = 0; } } pub fn spawn(self:*Self,xaccel : f32,yaccel : f32) void { const xrnr = randMinMaxFloat(-1-xaccel,1+xaccel); const yrnr = randMinMaxFloat(-0.5-yaccel,0.5+yaccel); self.lifespan = rand.intRangeAtMost(u8,75,255); self.acceleration.a.x = xrnr; self.acceleration.a.y = yrnr; self.position.a.x = @floatFromInt(rl.getMouseX()-screenWidth/2); self.position.a.y = @floatFromInt(rl.getMouseY()-screenHeight/2); self.velocity.a.x = 0; self.velocity.a.y = -20; self.position.a.color.r = rand.intRangeAtMost(u8,0,30); self.position.a.color.g = rand.intRangeAtMost(u8,0,255); self.position.a.color.b = rand.intRangeAtMost(u8,0,255); = 1; } pub fn applyGravity(self : *Self,val : f32) void { self.velocity.a.y += val; } }; const Emitter = struct { particleCount : u32 = 0, particles : []Particle = undefined, pub fn init(self:*Emitter) !void { var xrnr = randMinMaxFloat(-1,1); var yrnr = randMinMaxFloat(-0.5,0.5); self.particles = try allocator.alloc(Particle,500000); for (self.particles) |*p| { xrnr = randMinMaxFloat(0,2); yrnr = randMinMaxFloat(0,2); p.* = Particle{.velocity = .{.a = .{.x = 1,.y = -3}},.acceleration = .{.a = .{.x=xrnr,.y=yrnr}}}; } } pub fn emit(self:*Emitter,count : u32,xaccel : f32,yaccel : f32) void { var i : u32 = 0; for(self.particles) |*p| { if( == 0) { i+=1; p.spawn(xaccel,yaccel); } if(i >= count) { break; } } } pub fn update(self:*Emitter,texture : rl.Texture2D) void { var posx : i32 = 0; var posy : i32 = 0; for (self.particles) |*p| { if( == 1) { p.update(); p.applyGravity(2); if(p.position.a.x >= -(screenWidth/2)){ posx = @intFromFloat(screenWidth / 2 + p.position.a.x); } else { posx = 0; } if(p.position.a.y >= -(screenHeight/2)){ posy = @intFromFloat(screenHeight / 2 + p.position.a.y); } else { posy = 0; } //rl.drawRectangle(posx,posy,2,2,rl.Color{.r=p.position.a.color.r,.g=p.position.a.color.g,.b=p.position.a.color.b,.a=255}); rl.drawTexture(texture,posx,posy,rl.Color.white); } } } }; fn ItoF(x:i32) f32 { return @as(f32,@floatFromInt(x)); } fn rectangle(x : u16,y : u16,width : u16,height : u16) rl.Rectangle { return rl.Rectangle{ .x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(x)), .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(y)), .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(width)), .height = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(height)) }; } pub fn main() anyerror!void { // Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const rect2 = rl.Rectangle{ .x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(10)), .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(10)), .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(300)), .height = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(100)) }; const rect3 = rl.Rectangle{ .x = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(10)), .y = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(150)), .width = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(600)), .height = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(10)) }; const rect4 = rectangle(10,170,600,10); const rect5 = rectangle(10,190,600,10); var msg_res : i32=-1; var state : i32=-1; var seed:u64 = undefined; try std.posix.getrandom(std.mem.asBytes(&seed)); prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed); var value : f32 = 0; var value2 : f32 = 0; var value3 : f32 = 0; var emitter = Emitter{}; try emitter.init(); //const img : rl.Texture = rl.loadTexture("img.png"); rl.initWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib-zig [core] example - basic window"); defer rl.closeWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context var texture : rl.Texture2D = undefined; const image : rl.Image = rl.loadImage("resources/test_64.png"); if(image.width > 0) { texture = rl.loadTextureFromImage(image); } else { std.debug.print("error opening resource",.{}); std.posix.exit(1); } rl.unloadImage(image); rl.setTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second while (!rl.windowShouldClose()) { // Detect window close button or ESC key rl.beginDrawing(); defer rl.endDrawing(); rl.clearBackground(rl.Color{.r=181, .g =177, .b =154, .a = 255, }); if(state != 0){ msg_res = rg.guiMessageBox(rect2, "Title", "question?", "Nice;Cool"); if(msg_res > -1){ state = msg_res; } rl.clearBackground(rl.Color.white); switch(state){ 1 => { rl.drawText("1", 190, 200, 20,; }, 2 => { rl.drawText("2", 190, 200, 20,; }, else =>{}, } } _ = rg.guiSlider(rect3,"0","5000",&value,ItoF(0),ItoF(500)); _ = rg.guiSlider(rect4,"0","10",&value2,ItoF(0),ItoF(3)); _ = rg.guiSlider(rect5,"0","10",&value3,ItoF(0),ItoF(3)); if(rl.isMouseButtonDown(rl.MouseButton.mouse_button_left)) { emitter.emit(@as(u32,@intFromFloat(value)),value2,value3); } emitter.update(texture); } } test "simple test" { var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak! try list.append(42); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop()); }